The Ten Tips For Being More Truthful
1.Make a commitment to tell the truth.
Making a commitment to always tell the truth rewards you with honesty. Not only that but you would be recognized for being honest. Making a commitment for something means starting a new beginning or a new start . Committing will also mean you must not lie or betray anyone or anything.
2.Tell someone about your commitment
Share this tip with a friend .By telling them to commit to something or keep a promise so that they can begin a new life.
Reflection: These tips are very important since they teach how to become more truthful and can help you change to become a better person not only that but you will gain respect from the people around you. I have implemented these tips into my life by making them a goal which is to achieve a goal that will make me become a truthful person. This will affect me in a good way since i will learn to think about what i say or do. These tips will be incorporated into my goals as an individual itself so that i can re-read these tips everyday.
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
What this tip means is that you should basically think before you say something. This is important because you may never know if what you said can affect someone in a harsh way or can even cause someone to feel bad. This is why before you give a dishonest or sarcastic answer you must think about it and ask yourself if what your going to say is okay to answer with.Tip number 3 will be applied to my life by actually giving a thought to what im about to say or do. So that I wont accidentally hurt someones feelings. Once i have applied this to my life i will become 3 steps closer to becoming more truthful.
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
This 4th tip means that you must be careful of how you use exaggeration or sarcasm because you never know how it can affect a situation. These things can cause the situation your to become worse then it already is or make a good thing into a bad one. The reason why this tip is important is because people tend to use exaggeration or sarcasm to try to be funny. But this can cause problems sometimes which are not good at all.
5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
Being truthful is very important and rewards honesty. As long as we tell the whole truth without twisting or changing it. The reason why is because it may cause a horrible event that could hurt someone emotionally or physically. These events led by lies can also cause havoc on you if the whole truth has been told.
6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
Don't allow yourself to become apart of little white lies which are lies that are not true about someone. This is important because if you were to get involved with lies you can end up hurting yourself or others which will cause you to lose trust and even be hated on for making up a lie that hurts someone. Involving yourself with these lies will make you deceitful and you will start to lose trust among others.
7. Watch out for silent lies.
Adding this tip to your daily life is important and it will help you become more truthful in life.
Watching out for silent lies may be hard but can be easy as well. Reasons this tip is added it is because the consequences of the lie can be devastating.
8.When catching yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
What this quote means is that instead of lying do the opposite which is saying the truth or not say anything at all by keeping your mouth shut.
Quote: "Your intellect may be confused ,but your emotions will never lie to you."
Alexander Pope
The reason i have chosen this quote is because you must not lie at all because if you know or think it will affect someone in a bad way then there is no reason of saying or letting out the lie. The truth is the only thing that must be spoken.
9.Talk to yourself.
This tip means that you must think and question yourself before doing something like what do you wanna do when your older. Or if you don't know whether or not its right you can think and talk to yourself about if what your doing is right or wrong.
Quote:" One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody's listening."
Franklin P.Jones
I chose this quote since its your life you must talk about your decisions and determine whether or not you want to go through with your decisions or plans. You will most likely chose the right one.
10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
When ever you tell the truth you should treat yourself with a small celebration like buy yourself something small. This tip is great because you can train yourself to basically tell the truth. Since every time you tell the truth you reward yourself you can train your brain to tell the truth because you start to realize that after you tell the truth you get a small reward. This causes you to believe that every time you are in a situation that lies are involved.
Quote: " Three things cannot be long hidden:the sun, the moon, and the truth."