Monday, January 11, 2016

                   Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Technique 1: Don't criticize, condemn or explain.
"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."
Reflection: This first technique would have you not criticize people or complain about them. This technique means that you must not judge others or complain about them for how they may look. This cause you to compliment others.

 Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation.
"The big secret in dealing with people."
Reflection: Showing honesty and sincere appreciation is a big secret when it comes to dealing with people. This technique means that you will have to give an honest opinion that will help and let them know you appreciate them. I will add this technique to my daily life by giving honest and sincere appreciation to my friends or new people i meet.


Technique 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want. 
"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way." 
Reflection: This last technique means a lot because its what makes you seem more approachable. This technique. Once you have mastered all these techniques you will have the whole world with you and for those who don't want to know these techniques. Well you will be forever alone so good luck.

Final Reflection:These three fundamental techniques show you how to handle people. For example the technique that says  not to  criticize someone will help you understand what not to do when it comes to talking to someone. Technique 2 helps you get the other person to be comfortable talking with you. And step 3 says to talk about interesting things and make them be eager about your next conversation.

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