Monday, September 28, 2015

                                                                            Way To Be
                                              9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life
Gordon B. Hinckley 

1.Be grateful: (By: Eric Idle) 
"I have been very blessed in my life and rewarded with good friends and good health. I am grateful and happy to be able to share this." Being grateful is a way expressing a feeling or gesture that is shown after realizing the good things you have. 

2. Be Smart 
'A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." 
by:John C. Maxwell
I believe that being smart is a major part of living because it helps us acquire new skills and helps us learn from our mistakes. It will also help us profit from the mistakes that we have made and make them into a new skill that we can learn to do. When being smart you must challenge yourself to learn something or help it change you. 
3. Be Involved in Good Works 
Good works involve you doing good things and good jobs or activities,.

4. Be Clean 

5.Be True 
"Truth can be stated thousand different ways, yet each one can be true." 
By.Swami Vivekananda 
You must be true to yourself to be true to others.
6.Be Positive
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."
By: Willie Nelson 
I believe that being and thinking positive will help you become a better person in life. Being a positive person means you are living happy and you will have happy results during your lifetime.

7.Be Humble

8.Be Still 
"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." 
By:Deepak Chopra  
I believe that being still is the key to facing someone or something. One example of this is a hunter must keep still and be stealthy to accomplish his kill for food. Another example is if your ever in danger or in a bad situation keep still which means not to panic and solve or get awat from your problems as safe as possible. 

9. Be Prayerful

Overall Reflection 
The 9 ways of being happy are by following these steps. This doesn't mean to follow all of these steps to be happy it just means that you should choose to use one once in a while. From all of these my favorite one was being grateful because of the example and image i chose. the example was that if you don't have anything to be grateful for then check your pose meaning you should grateful for being alive. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

                                            A state or quality of being dedicated to a cause
                                                   'Commitment is an act not a word'
                                                                 By:jean-Paul Sarte  
What i believe a commitment would be is an action or dedication towards something you want to earn or have. You cant just say i want to be committed to something you actually have to do it in order to be able to say it. Because if you were to sat you were committed to something

Monday, September 21, 2015

                                                                 Personal Development Quote 
      'The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we are.'              
                                                                      Boyd K. Parker
                                              Compliance with an order, request or law.
I don't think that obedience is a key to life because what if the person were obeying is a horrible person. Does that mean we are doing the right thing because were obeying them even though their commands are to whether kill or attack an innocent person. well i don't think so because if were obeying the wrong person then we must do what we think is right which is stand up and disobey those who are giving the demands that cause terror or cause bad things to happen. And only you can stop that by standing up and telling the person your obeying that he no longer takes orders because he is not choosing the right he is deciding to do wrong. By doing this you will prevent from bad things happening to you or others.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

                                                                             A SMILE
Def:A form of someones feature that expresses a good sense of feeling towards a kindness or amusing expression.

   'The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.'
                                                               By:Thomas Paine                             

 The attribute of this quote is that a smile is an expression that expresses a feeling that you get. Whether you are happy, excited, or even when in a bad situation. A smile can determine many things whether for revenge or a celebration towards someone or something . A smile is what should make your day go from bad to good.
Image result for smiles

Thursday, September 10, 2015

                                                       "Decisions Determine Destiny" 
                                                   "The path you take is the decision you make"
What i think decisions determine destiny is that we are the one to make our destiny. We are the ones to choose whether to make the good or bad decisions. Our destiny can only be made because you decide whether you live to see yourself become what you want or you die and never get to make your destiny. The decisions you make are like a game there are always gonna be results whether good or bad. They will always have consequences to what you choose. Like if you chose to save the woman from a falling building the odds of you living are 1 to to 1,000,000 but you would be known a hero due to the choices that you have made but dead. Although if you don't save her you will live with the feeling that tells you that you could have saved her which will cause you to go through depression and even commit suicide because of it . This is all led through the decisions you make which make up what you call Destiny.
EX: An example of this is a game called "Until Dawn". The reason why I choose this game as an example is because the game Until Dawn is only played by the choices you make whether to jump down to the mines or look for help. Or from choosing who to save between your best friend or the the girl you have a crush on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Def: Showing kind and warm-hearten concerns towards others.

My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.
by:Prince william 

Caring means being a good hearten person or in other words a person does or helps others with out getting anything in return. When your a caring person you help or do things for others and the only reward you get would be feeling good. And maybe sometimes you can get something in return that will help you in life.